1824-1905, Scottish Novelist
Afflictions are but the shadows of God's wings.
George Macdonald – [Trials]

Age is not all decay; it is the ripening, the swelling, of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husk.
George Macdonald – [Age and Aging]

But for money and the need of it, there would not be half the friendship in the world. It is powerful for good if divinely used. Give it plenty of air and it is sweet as the hawthorn; shut it up and it cankers and breeds worms.
George Macdonald – [Money]

Division has done more to hide Christ from the view of all men than all the infidelity that has ever been spoken.
George Macdonald – [Theology]

Do the things you know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know.
George Macdonald – [Action]

Friends, if we be honest with ourselves, we shall be honest with each other.
George Macdonald – [Candor]

God left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity still in the cloud, the oil still in the earth. How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven.
George Macdonald – [Adversity]

How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset.
George Macdonald – [Death and Dying]

I find that doing of the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans.
George Macdonald – [God]

It is not the cares of today, but the cares of tomorrow that weigh a man down. For the needs of today we have corresponding strength given. For the morrow we are told to trust. It is not ours yet.
George Macdonald – [Future]

Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help.
George Macdonald – [Aid and Assistance]

The best preparation for the future is the present well seen to, and the last duty done.
George Macdonald – [Preparation]

The principal part of faith is patience.
George Macdonald – [Faith]

To have what we want is riches; but to be able to do without is power.
George Macdonald – [Contentment]

When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over.
George Macdonald – [Age and Aging]

You can't live on amusement. It is the froth on water — an inch deep and then the mud.
George Macdonald – [Amusement]